Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

oh okay

is pariah a name

it is now

(but you’re not killing me right :pleading_face:)

i think so but iirc they didnt post very much D1 anyway

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Yeah I don’t trust Gaul either.

This is true. Unless I dayvig you!

I wish x(

I gotta recheck Phraze because I put her as town Day 1 and I didn’t see her posts at all on Day 2.

Felt like she was actually solving the game… which for her is towny enough.

No offense.

sorry there’s a vacuum of power

I’m your mother now

I just woke up i targeted night last night second guessed spf for being a more obvious target

didn’t iso in the hopes i’d have died

i get if you need to flip me today all i can say is a can leash a day vig tomorrow if you let me really
though unsure how much yall need to see me flip

this is why i like anon games and public flavor games
because theyre easier to seperate in my mind

i think i just
dont have barriers between the different ways people act in different situations
so if i get lied to as town i feel weird around them outside of game
if i kill or deceive someone as wolf i feel guilty around them outside of game
im trying to fix that but its
a difficult thing

Why do you wolf read me?

Also still want to share my opinion.

That I think Ruby/OutedWolf/Rue are likely teamed mafia.

Great now memes and Seth are going to tunnel GGhana.

@Achromatic this is why you can’t allow certain people to go on side quests

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who did you target

anyone wanna talk about seth defending heisenberg for vague reasons, pushing hard for katze eod1, then having an underwhelming d2?

or memes going from an over the top tunnel to townreading seth because they “mindmelded” on ruby being a wolf today - ruby who is by far the most likely yeet today regardless of their alignment

[please don’t feel bad]
[it’s still super cool on flavor]

read the post i targeted night

Hmm in that case it can be mafia but here’s what I’m going to do.

It’s up to you.

I feel we do one of the following,

1)Execute Ruby
2)Have You chose who Ruby shoots tomorrow and if you die, Sadbi chooses instead.

i kinda am moving back to liking memes cause they are being extremely ping pongy which if I consider their archetype i think can be moderately good

especially because a lot of the things they ping ponged about didn’t go anywhere which makes it seem more legit



ah you also used night to mean night so I got confused

Why me

Side quests are still fine. Let them show their natures for us to judge. Stifling discussion is anti town most of the time.