Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

I can’t prove this because it was in neighbour chat, but Brad was starting to doubt you by the end partially because of Wind’s case and the other factors surrounding your slot.

its ok that post was sarcastic anyway, sabi knows what im referencing

You know what @Rue it is time you show me your town if you are town.

VOTE: Outedwolf

You should understand as much as I do that OutedWolf gives us higher odds for wolf then Sufdaddy does with OutedWolf’s green check claim.

theyre both wolves so idrc which

VOTE: outedwolf


I changed my mind.
I think we vote either Katze or OutedWolf today.

Prove it.

I don’t believe you

ok let me take a picture of wolfchat with me, visor, and zack

Show me.
Prove to me I’m wrong and I should believe you.

Vote OutedWolf Katze.

VOTE: outedwolf

sure lol

idk why u think this means literally anything

Lol no I don’t think that’s a world.

But I think you being a wolf and knowing OutedWolf!Town would clear Sufdaddy and no longer putting them in PoE is a world

ive made it extremely clear that i think theyre both wolves and that killing w!zack outs w!visor more than vice versa

but nonetheless


go tinfoil the unvote while i play optimally

This is actually the most optimal vote cause if OutedWolf is town it forces wolves to kill Sufdaddy.
If OutedWolf is wolf then eyyyyyy boys we got one!

Vote Count

Outedwolf (2): Zorvo, Achromatic

Not Voting (8): Gyrlander, katze, Gorta, Jackrito, Outedwolf, Rue, Sadbi, sufdaddy

((why is this phase not being played like mylo
((i’ve been assuming that it is
((but i feel like other people are not

Ok but understand this.

Sufdaddy cannot be a wolf if OutedWolf is Town.

That means OutedWolf is always the most optimal vote here.

outedwolf cannot be a wolf if sufdaddy is a wolf

If I am wrong on my reads game is lost anyway, I am not here to play optimally I am here to win tbh


cannot be a villager*