Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

What was Jack role btw? I see “voyeur neighbour” but I don’t understand wtf is that

You are only calling him a better player cause you can’t stand the fact on how I play.

That you think it seems “ego” when you ever think just maybe I have trouble explaining some of my thoughts properly? Ever thought I’m trying to work on it yet people just shut me down?

Not really?
When I said “great logic” I just mean like his reads aren’t always of good reason as in his Rue read was something Rue also does as a wolf and is proven to be the case.

Trust me I’d never be rude to Brad but I am an honest guy.
I actually defended Brad from the Syndicate’s choice to temporarily ban him and I kept defending him and got banned from syndicate forever and I don’t even regret it because I believe I did the right thing.


Would you kindly explain your role and all your feedback?

Katze or Rue here are the best executions today.

This was already wolves KPN

Please stop doubting me ><

I’m actually just trying to stop others from doubting.


so i start the game knowing zack is a villager

i target someone each day and they can write a 72 word message overnight that if they die is published in the game thread in the morning update

That’s your only 2 abilities. And is your death message permanent? Like, will it be displayed even if you die many days after?

Also, is it instant? Like does the person immediately receive it during the night when you tell astand?

Who were your targets and can anyone confirm they received it?

I spent a lot of time reading happy tree friends and

Achro is not as village this game as he was in that game.

He is lacking the passion and wolf cases. He says he doesn’t do scum hunting but town achro does that.

There’s literally nothing what he does as town in this game.

I will have to read morbius which he was scum in

VOTE: Achromatic

okay, so i target someone in the day phase.

when night starts, they are told they can write a 72 word message that will be published if they die that night

Very well. You can start targetting me today. If I receive the message at the start of the night I’ll spare your life. Deal?

@katze please skim his town games and tell me what’s missing in his iso this game.

Yeah I’d suggest reading morbid they did actually case and they also hard bussed Rue their partner who was accusing them.

zack, nobody cause i forgot (i blame arctic), zack , zack, zack

i never saw the point in targeting anyone else

i could target someone else tonight to prove it

Why would Zack have died?

because he voted a wolf?

also i knew he was a villager and i know hes good at ww so i cared about his reads