Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

If Rue isn’t a wolf, this wagon is pure.
So is Rue a wolf?

if you think they’re w/w then it makes sense but go off i guess :pensive:


i will tease the irony but i am also the problem here so lolme

neighborhoods suck

Vote Count

Rue (2): Gyrlander, Zorvo
Jackrito (1): Achromatic
katze (1): Jackrito
Achromatic (1): Sadbi

Not Voting (5): Gorta, Outedwolf, sufdaddy, Rue, katze

Oh trust me I know it’s annoying and I’m sorry if I come off “ego” but I generally am trying very hard to still follow my win condition but it’s frustrating.

Also damnit zorvo i tried to be on outed most of all day yesterday why cant you read my iso.

We can’t be 100% sure.
It can easily be something like Rue/OutedWolf/Achro and OutedWolf and Rue/Achro are playing both of you and pocketing the opposite Townie. (You and Sufdaddy)

Again this game is very irritating right now.

Your not on them today, Guava was going over sadly and there was nothing I could do about it despite telling everyone they are my top town read

Remember this?
Yeah I made this player analysis yesterday.

Okay so what happened to probably aligned with guava lol

I said if Guava is a wolf but I was strongly confident Guava was town.

Idk who your talking about but as far as I can tell:
Grylander has been town leading the best today.

Achro also has Neighbourhood with Katze they made so they have read Katze.

Under mine you said if i am a wolf i am aligned with guava.

I dont know why my vote atm matters much. I am always fine voting rue/outed/jack/zack eod because thats my list.

Can you just vote Rue if your town so wolves don’t do a repeat to my other town read Gorta.

theyre talking about gorta

VOTE: rue

Obv. Poe is poe.

VOTE: achromatic

Where is “guys” and he isn’t town leading.


Should clarify it’s not the vote that’s bad but the timing.

dear @sadbi

you have a pet cat, she is very cute

i would like to steal her

or him i actually forgot what gender your cat was

your cat is cool

also i am pocketing you

love, katze

ps: i dont know what to say this post was gonna me be telling u to vote someone specific but im not even sure who i want you to vote so hi
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