Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7



I’ve been saying achro and katze are aligned for a while and so have other people

It was achro guava and achro katze

Being pushed yday

What is your read on everyone if you can please gorta

is there anything in particular I need to know


prob not

that’s exactly the answer I wanted to hear


will be very busy rest of the phase unfortunately

VOTE: achromatic

this site is making me really appreciate vbulletin

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I have a read on Rue, a few thoughts on Zorvo, had a read on min, and that’s about it

my “read” on Katze is a waffly mess

everyone else I don’t have much of an opinion on

please read achro

basically I don’t get many reads done until the end of a game tbh because with fewer people it’s slower and easier to focus on things

this is very close to the end of the game

achro is a candidate for dying

please read him

I’ll get to it, but you have to realize that sometimes I don’t do something RIGHT that second

I will get to it, don’t worry

i dont need you to do it RGHT NOW

but i do need you to do it today


okay Ruby train is pure, off with all heads belonging to people in Kim’s train.

I said I have a dead mans switch

what could that mean?

“A backup plan in case of untimely death or incapacitation, used as a threat to protect the holder. If that person dies or fails to issue some form of communication within a set period of time, the plan goes into action automatically, making it in the interests of the threatening party to not harm that person.”

uh something happens after you die?

are you vengeful?