Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

VOTE: sleep

We just don’t have enough information

also what r u doing

what does this even mean

VOTE: sleep

wait, if we vote sleep that would put us in lylo?



i dont think either of our votes on sleep are serious but i am currently short circuiting half the time im here so

hey rue

what do u think the odds are that gorts is a wolf

basically I have a player I struggle reading, a read on someone I think is a wolf, but I can’t explain well, and a semi scum read on Achro

Like I do kind of doubt my Achro read because it’s the similar to my reasoning on Guava and maybe Arctic

((that sounds more confident than it is bc rand is near 50-50

can you use names here for clarity sake

if I have to fill in the blanks I’m referring to you and Rue tbh

like my brain is fried with this game

low confidence reads on those I don’t know as well, an attempted read on someone I struggle reading, and a wolf read that no one believes

and how about the other players

still digging into them

@Outedwolf @katze

Jack has death voyeur on Zack n3. When Jack dies it reveals Zach n3 voyeurism

Ur welcome bronanana

yeah and this

  1. requires jack to die and be a villager, which is potentially gamelosing on its own
  2. even if it isnt is very likely going to provide no information at all because what is a voyeur check on someone from n3 going to tell us

I mean I forgot to say that I think I trust Zorvo at this point

I know I was just explaining the info yall missed.

It’s dumb to kill him.

Mafia won’t nk him now.

He will just exist in this game.

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