Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

No, I already explained the reason.

You are alive because you interfere with people trying to solve the game. Thatā€™s why they wonā€™t kill you.

I donā€™t do such thing in fact I promote it with my ability.

sleeping is mechanically a bad play for a secret reason + the obvious reason that itā€™s closed rolemadness and thus unpredictable, itā€™s not impossible for sleeping to lead to a mechanical mafia win

not sleeping solely because seth thinks him being alive is the only way town will win the game is just wrong and the fact of the matter is seth is that almost every alive player has taken issue with your play today at a personal level, not even at a ā€œyou are a wolfā€ level, and we canā€™t all be wolves

Just cause Iā€™m trying to solve doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t. :man_shrugging:


im not elaborating, gn

Iā€™m pretty sure rue has said or implied that they think achro is a wolf a bunch of times

why wonā€™t they vote him

plz donā€™t answer Seth Iā€™m tired of you browbeating me about rue, no offense

Itā€™s 1:08 am

hey this time im actually going to bed soon

Grylander hasnā€™t said anything about me yet and Gorta likes me so far.

They voted them for less than a hour and Unvoted today

today is the day for elaborating palio


im pretty sure the former isnt true and the latter would be true regardless of his actual opinion because he has barely posted

however that doesnt matter because thereā€™s a 100% chance this means multiple villagers think this

I was actually going to say cause they could both be wolves XD.

At this point Iā€™m not entirely sure but Iā€™m fairly confident You, Jack and Grylander are Town and I still want to hold onto my Gorta read.

me elaborating is literally -EV, i am not elaborating further, stop asking


if you know a reason why sleep isnt optimal tell us

Katze I will wish all your cats turn into dogs if you donā€™t spill

I doubt sleep accomplishes anything useful

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