Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

You realize your voting with your wolf read.

I meant to ping you

Although that was probably just for a meme post so meh.

Seth you are suffocating the thread and not making the game enjoyable for anyone again

this entire day phase has been spent trying to reason with someone who simply has incompatible thought processes to mine, apparently. i believe fairly strongly that zorvo kinda has to be a villager, but i truthfully believe this game would have been much more enjoyable had we killed him day one. this isnā€™t me saying i hate you, i donā€™t hold grudges, i simply believe that our styles are extremely incompatible and it is making this game, especially this phase, unpleasant for me. i deep down hope that he is a wolf because it may mean that in future games iā€™d not get PTSD when iā€™m preparing to work with him.

i am pretty confident that outedwolf cannot be a villager at this junction, and i have been told time and time again to vote people other than him for various reasons, only one of which i think is actually tangible ā€“ the fact that apparently gyrlander has a billion million more KP than claimed earlier and can kill him tonight and not be roleblocked??? ok sure whatever i dont actually believe that nor do i trust him to go through with it but its at least better than anything else people have given me. before i get asked ā€œwhyā€, justā€¦ try to make a team of 4 without him on it. itā€™s legitimately impossible from my point of view. i also think his overall play today is pretty wolfy even if i had a few moments of hesitation earlier. i flat out do not believe his roleclaim, i flat out do not believe his play with said role, i do not think his play is villagery. if this isnā€™t a wolf then my game is already lost, so whatev.

iā€™ve gone back and forth all day as to whether or not zack or achro is a wolf, i donā€™t really think they can be v/v and either zack/visor are w/w or visor is just pocketing zack. i honestly kinda think zack is more likely to be a villager between the two now but i also am playing a game where i literally have to hope i am wrong because zack is clearly not thinking the same and for that i donā€™t know if i can blame him. but whatever. i donā€™t expect the game to go on long enough for it to matter whoā€™s the baddie in that duo.

at this point, rue might be a wolf? i still think they are quite villagery by play but a few angles theyā€™ve taken today have struck me as pretty disingenuous. i feel bad for them regardless of their alignment, because i believe the way zorvo has treated them would make me tilt off the face of the earth. i believe she has been pushed for reasons that rival the quality of the reasons that were used to push me earlier in this game. itā€™s possible that sheā€™s a villager succumbing to the same feelings i have been. iā€™m kinda torn on that. feels like today is going to be a day where iā€™m forced to vote her. by PoE, i think she has solid chances of being a hit, but itā€™s not particularly my preferred execution.

gorta is still probably a villager, sadbi is still probably a villager

gyrlander is off the table for me for now. dont care about his alignment. should just be town, but heā€™s one or two more role clarifications away from me getting real :face_with_raised_eyebrow: at him.

jackrito exists. he is not wrong when he said that i donā€™t entirely know his entire history, and i believe regardless of alignment that his participation in this game is smaller due to the environment in it. i find it very easy to slot him into a wolf slot because thereā€™s a lack of anything. iā€™d realistically prefer not to go here today because that lacking of anything would make him an easy execution regardless of his alignment. i kinda think heā€™s still likely to be a wolf for vague reasons that donā€™t particularly relate to his play, but :joy_cat:

furthermore i think the general play today is pretty terrible. itā€™s probably mylo. ironically, the closest thing to what i perceive as ā€œcorrectā€ play today is being done by the person i spent an entire paragraph ranting about how i find our styles incompatible. i think theyā€™reā€¦ doing so in disruptive-at-best ways, but the gist of Actually Consolidating Votes Somewhere Please For The Love Of God is there.

i am at fault here. i think basically everyone alive is, but shrug. not gonna play the blame game. altho i could cuz im the d1 counterwagon and im still alive in probable mylo and still PoEd by most, wtf guys.

if i had my way, i would only vote outedwolf today, i am generally fine with voting rue but less happy with it. any other votes to me are unideal, but if i am forced into them then, well, i will obviously do them

i apologize for any aggressive posts iā€™ve written today/this game, i am pretty sucky at keeping my emotions in check under certain situations. mafia sux.

i realize that this is ironic given that this and my last post are probably also that, but, again, :joy_cat:

@Zorvo this is mostly directed towards you, because while you have probably been my greatest source of frustration this game, that doesnā€™t justify me being a bitch about it.

also, iā€™m pinging you because iā€™d like for you to read these posts in their entirety.

ez bait

ā€¦ how can you not believe them lol

zack can literally back it up

gyrlander will be able to back it up after today

itā€™s a combination of a few things

  1. your role having a n0 greencheck just doesnā€™t really make sense to me from a mechanical point of view. as i write this i can maybe see a world where it makes sense in flavor, but it still feels pretty wacko to me
  2. you rand that role in particular and make zero effort to target people who are actually going to die? a majority of the nightkills this game have been extremely predictable. i flat out just think better of your mechanical play, sorry.

also iā€™m not 100% sure what day you claimed to ā€œforgetā€ to use it, but i think it might be the same day i was targeted with a fake bleed? this one is kinda a tackon but if they are the same day then :eyes:

i donā€™t think itā€™s productive to argue with you about this tho

and i am actually going to bed in a bit

soā€¦ sorry if wrong, truthfully i donā€™t know if itā€™ll matter solely because i expect to not be able to vote you today if i want to actually play correctly, but thats just where my heads at.

VOTE: katze


are you going to keep me up to question this change of heart

No i just wanted you to see how it feels since youve done it to me before.


VOTE: rue

damn is this how it feels to play with me

Except i am sexier according to illwei but otherwise yeah

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Yeah possible but i would rather mow down others in my poe before seeing if i need to knife katze tbh

am I missing something on your confirmed visor lock wolf read

some sort of poe that means heā€™s a wolf in every world (?) + mech stuff about you not believing his claim

what about his posts? you and achro were going on about his villagy he was and how stinky I was in comparison, I have not really seen a clear reason for why his posts are now wolfy, other than some vague ā€œbecause they areā€ basically and telling me I should be paranoid

even your paragraph about rue possibly being a wolf you just list reasons she is villagy

why is townreading me over achro a remotely difficult decision if youā€™ve read the last few days, I think Ghana is the only person in this game whose wolfread of me was something coherent that I understood. (and after talking with me over the day, he realized I was town and even docā€™d me). it was pretty obvious to me he was genuinely trying to figure out my alignment - sorta night too once she engaged me. I have not gotten that impression from you, no matter how many times you say it, your actions indicate otherwise

I just donā€™t get it

Visor started to trend down for me after the ruby flip.

Iā€™m also tired of reading everyone talk about partner analysis of living players. there are what, 3-4 wolves still alive? thatā€™s too many variables and permutations to consider unless youā€™re focusing on two specific people. I donā€™t really think itā€™s that useful at this stage

what matters is: who is making wolfy posts. who is making villagy posts.

how the treated dead wolves, how dead wolves treated them (though frankly I think people are way too quick to arrive at decisive conclusions from dead wolf spew - and no, I didnā€™t do this with guava, it was a sidenote to my wolfread on them)

well that clears it up.

actually it doesnā€™t make any sense because you said you and katze pre-flipped Ruby wolf when you both thought visor was so villagy

Yeah but the bad interactions were the next day lol