Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

warning: bringing me to f3 will make me flip a coin during the cross.

just so yall know that i should not be brought to f3


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thatā€™s when this thread was created

if we get to 10k posts today is the forum ghana explode

maybe they just read me correctly

(maybe they all had daddy issues)

maybe everyone read me correctly too.

im trying to conserve my posts but

yeah, it just becomes much worse. isoing becomes even worse, iirc the search feature gets clunkyā€¦ i dont actually remember every side effect its been a while since ive seen it happen) honestly it could happen at a bit below 10k just because of other things counting as posts (iirc threadlocks + deleted posts still count, but the current postnum doesnt accommodate?)


my take is funnier tho.

which is what truly matters, imo

im reading thru the hood again rn btw. might make a few comments in the hood as i go but anything i think is important to share with the class will, obviously, be shared with the class :wowee:

This is the most quiet this game has been jeepers

Pretty sure no one in dvc cares about this game anymore

It has been a long and exhausting game for everyone. Games werent meant to be this big post wise tbh

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sorry, been distracted w/ dinner plans i kinda forgot about.

im still thinking about stuff, but iā€¦ kinda think achro is a villager and also correct that its exactly jack/zack? current thoughts, anyway. this sounds more confident than i am.

thereā€™s a couple gears in my head turning, more than usual (probably still less than most people) but theres a few things im thinking about rn. just for ~transparency~ mostly unorganized thoughts ahead:

  • looking at how zack and achro are playing todayā€¦
    • i think, regardless of alignment, zack is kinda always gonna come into today calling me ~probably a villager and pushing on achro. i donā€™t really think w!him has a choice ā€“ i have been signfiicantly more flaky on achro than vice versa ā€“ and i think v!him comes to that conclusion naturally given everything.
    • achro, on the other handā€¦ has been kinda all over the place. i think the wincon for w!him is to just continue staying on my good side, like he has been all game. the way he opened up today was kinda willing to push anyone, and then he eased into going against zack, in a reactionary

i come outof that feeling about the same for both ends. maybe tentatively better on achro, but only just.

jackrito. end of day 5. jackrito hasnā€™t posted in what seems like decades.

Votecount as of post #9072

Rue (4): Gyrlander, Achromatic, Zorvo, Gorta
Achromatic (4): sufdaddy, Sadbi, Outedwolf, Rue
Outedwolf (1): katze
katze (1): Jackrito

at this point, itā€™s kind of ambiguous which side iā€™m gonna vote. i think anyone watching would probably ~assume i vote rue here, but itā€™s not set in stone by any means

a minute after i vote, jackrito hammers.

his last post prior to that was at ~9:30 AM, the hammer post is at ~1:57 PM

by no means is this a smoking gun or clearing for anyone, but like

spoiled for length/questionable relevance

v!jack: just showed up near EoD and voted the wagon he said he would

  • jack + zack/sabi/gorta w/w: either jack just shows up near EoD coincidentally, OR is preparing to quickhammer v!achro if i vote him
    • achro brought up a good reason to say jack/sabi are likely unaligned, that being that sabi hard pushing two w/v dichotomies in me/acro zack/visor as opposed to letting a v/v+v/w grouping believe the other is w/w seems p silly to me
  • jack + achro: the above or quickhammeringā€¦ anyone?
  • jack + katze: the above orā€¦ some weird plan idk

so, the question is: did jack just show up before EoD, or was this :sparkles: planned :sparkles:

jackritos last post of D5 (8:31 PM, ~17.5h before EoD) : Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Day 7 (6/24) - #6701 by Jackrito
D4 ended early, but their last post was at 6PMish, too lazy to math it but prob 18ish hours before eod again Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Day 7 (6/24) - #4746 by Jackrito

actually ig ā€œdid they post near EoDā€ is less important than ā€œdid they post near 2PM everā€ even if thats harder to gauge

Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2 - #8661 by Jackrito altho their last post of D2 is near 2PM

me realizing this is probably not worth the effort to look at: :joy_cat:




mechanics. my favorite.

something i kinda donā€™t understand is what visor was doing with his supposed last-will thing. only giving it to zack accomplishes the ~pocket~ but nets him little towncred, and up until last night he hadnā€™t targeted anyone with it but zack, allegedly

but why

itā€™s obviously real to some extent, the message gyrlander left is 100% written by him (impossible for wolves to know if gyrlander would kill visor or not, or what heā€™d do with the infect) so like

did he not care about trying to look good with it? i donā€™t rly understand why you never target v!sabi with it at any point

their rolecard being redacted does make it a lot harder to speculate on this for sure, but i still think that part feels weird. maybe itā€™s limited use, maybe it can only target people that are also being killed, i dont know. which is why i canā€™t really draw a strong conclusion. but at a glance i think it looks better for zack

also sabi and achros roles feel vaguely similar in the sense that ive occasionally pondered if both are town roles, but itā€™s not a train of thought i want to put much stock in

looking at the neighborhood itself, there is a sequence of posts i think isā€¦ really weird to make for w!achro?

like, the conclusion i draw from it right now is ā€œhis goal was to pocket me for the long con from the start to the end, or he is just a villagerā€

anyway, it goes a bit like:

me: talk about visor/zack, mostly zack? arctic V flip got me squinting at them

achro: yeah i can do that later, right now i think visors early vote on heisenberg looks good but i need to look at stuff when im home

me: yea sure. in realtime ive felt decent about both, moreso visor than zack, but both are good so thats not clearing or anything

[timeskip here, i start tinfoiling night and he kinda says ā€˜ehhh nahā€™ to it]

achro, preflipping zack w and analyzing a post: my current PoE makes me think that this post look bad for rue

what i donā€™t understand is, why does he do this as a wolf? he doesnā€™t quite case rue, but he basically shields nightingale from my tinfoils and instead targets a wolf, when he has no real reason to as a wolf?

i think when i write this out it looks less significant than it feels in my head. probably because im missing finer detail

thereā€™s actually a lot of posts in that hood chat that have aged very well from him, some visor stuff not really but others a decent bit)

i mean hell, even when he does iso visor and talk about him, its not all sunshine and rainbows, thereā€™s concerns to some stuff i kinda glossed over before

and he doesnt quite fight me on rue but he comes close to it

i dunno. heā€™s townsiding pretty fucking hard in the hood, waaaay more than i ever would as a wolf in a hood.

seems much more likely to me that it makes him a villager, and if he is a wolf i think itā€™s alone, with a LW, or with gorta, which resolves itself

this post feels extermely fucking long sorry

these probably arent all of my thoughts but ive been typing on and off for over an hour and just want to go back to thinking less.

and finishing dinner.


Well now we know that if I die, the f3 you two will quick hammer Zack

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I conviently die so they can kill you Zack because they pocketed each other.

im not locked into anything!

if im alive in f3 with zack achro i will obviously consider stuff

and i still have other things to look at even before today ends

just wher im at rn :person_shrugging:

did it not occur to you he might have been waiting to see if we were gonna go at each other? how can you say being sorta willing to push anyone vs. how i came in is better for achro lol

idk what more i can do to show iā€™m a villager and case achro. you are obviously never going to be convinced of anything

it did

hence the ā€˜reactionaryā€™ comment, and me coming out of that saying itā€™s only tentatively better for him, if at all

idk why u and sabi keep talking to me like my mind is impossible to be changed smh im not THAT stubborn i think

are you serious? itā€™s because you keep coming to the same conclusion over and over and over again

i have never once felt there was the slightest chance of you actually wanting to kill achro in this game, and every time Iā€™ve been even a slightly viable wagon you were eager to join

i mean WHY is it better at all??
