Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

cool, you can keep telling yourself this is a balanced vanilla game

No, why?

12v3 is mountainous

10v3 is cop 13er

Whats the problem with 10v3v2 or 11v3v1 in a rolemadness with custom roles?

you confuse me tutuu


Just a reminder btw that the mafia need to roughly guess the role to get vannilized. Submitting isnt enough

So if anyone really wants to claim and do stuff - feel free to fake claim something that achieves a similar result to what u want (but obv dont go too hard on the lies, if u do, pls)

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Which post?

What do you think should 3p claim?

K i get it ur slot dislikes me, thanks
Roles are another story, 12/3 leaves little room for fucking with parity

But cool

just idgi is all


Pat pat baker yeah ur 3p and ur asking for advice arent u adorable

Claim a roleblocker like my role

I mean i guess they cpuld do that

Didnt really cross my mind to change it that much

I don’t know if I agree with giving Frost town read for that but I do think it support them likely being unpaired. I doubt W/W is doing this, quite this early.

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You had a wolfy claim and pretty much played a decent wolf d1 so far. Look how many people got fooled by your words. I hope you prove me wrong but I am gonna stick with you being in immediate poe of 5

I view u as a chaos goblin because u and min sabotaged the ladder at the last moment and prioritized ur subjective interpretation of ur fun rather than our teams wincon. We could have had 8 chops that game but we ended up with 5. Obv i dont have harsh feeling towards u and im messing around, though

not really lmao

our role still wins in the end if a condition is met. this is why i am trying my best to help town find each other and box the scum

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10/3/2 is so extremely unbalanced in terms of parity
Its actually gross

Lmao am i reallt being grandstanded

Zone has hosted a 10v3v2 game recently

I dont think its necessarily bad depending on the roles and the wincons of the neutrals

Why is it always the leafia slot lol

i think it is a 11/2+1/1

could be 10/2+1/2

Why can’t it just be 4v11