Undertale Overhaul - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Its always town. Because baker did it not leafia. Baker plays mafia to roleswap or do shenanigans with roles or lying as town. Thats the biggest reason he plays for. He tried really hard to come off as PR in sorc17er when he was a VT and also lied about townreading a player he was scumreading in hopes of setting up a trap to chop her in f3. He also said that he lied about scumreading me when he was townreading me to keep me alive. In one of his previous town games he also lied about having borderline schizophrenia. When i tried to make him feel better about it he was shocked, and had forgotten that he said it, and told me he was probably laying bricks for a future wolf game

It is

@Millium not zenon please

Pod isnt town

Its the safest chop

Please acknowledge that unless we sweep, if at any point we chop a town this game, we are then stuck with a player that doesnt share our win con, when we could have had a player that shares our wincon

While true, what about the items that PoD can give to consenting player?

Admittedly pod isnt mafia too and killing him doesnt fulfill our win con either. So i get that angle too. But i think its a no brainer to go for the safest route and let everyone one night to use abilities. But looks like noone agrees

More of this specfically

If they give it to a town cant mafia just kill them? It will be telegraphed

Mafia can also benefit from this items as well.

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We definitely don’t want them to have the extra kill on mafia side.

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Im moving abigail to town lean

Wazza up to null and luka down to scum leans due to abigails reads

Yeah so lets kill the 3p

Guarantee every town member one night to Do Stuff with their abilities

If we were to mischop a town we lose their ability. Even if they claim it, its gone due to vannilizier. A life of a town is worth 100 times more than the life of a 3p, sorry pod

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I hate all of these wagons can we please Do Stuff, guys?

I can consolidate on luka

I hate all the other wagons

In that case, I join you

VOTE: powerofdeath

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Not really worrying about Neuts for the purposes of the exercise

I’m intrested in murdering wolfs

Why am I genuine enough?

Well let’s not give the wolves the extra tools, I’d say.

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I cant explain it. Its not possible to explain with words townreading u at this stage

Do not trust my read on Luka pls


I don’t see how Neuts benefit wolfs here especially outted Neuts we can kill after we win the game