trying to find out how to qoute without wall posting and covering chat sobbing
good luck with that.
I love ur wallposts tho
Trying to make it readable without covering chat
IE: Peole dont have to click on it every itme
VOTE: abi
Just reply to the whole post then
I cant tell u how to use spoilers because after all the years on discourse i still have no idea how to spoil
just quote the post and put [details="[NAME]"] with [/details] at the end
Why am I the one you turn to for help omg
Duality of man
character development
what happned between these points buddy. what politician hurt you
People still have to click on the post in order for it to be visible, how do I change that?
what are you trying to do?
like how do you want it to look?
You’re sending a link to a post
are you on mobile or PC?
Im on PC
How do I qoute a post without sending a link to it?