Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

it does make the game a bit boring

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s time to flashwagon with my Townsfolk Zombuul ‘choose a player and they register as dead’ ability

nya nya nya

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Final Votecount

Nominator Nominee # Voters
Atlas Litten 0
IcetFeelsPain Bionic 0
Atlas May 0
May Atlas 2 Litten, crazynuto
Mistyx tutuu 1 bystander
Sleep 0
Not Voting 13 May, iamagummybear, IcetFeelsPain, Geyde, jmw, Bionic, Hazardwaste, Atlas, tutuu, Mistyx, Zugzwang, Someone, Wazza

Atlas (2): Litten, crazynuto
tutuu (1): bystander

Not Voting (13): May, iamagummybear, IcetFeelsPain, Geyde, jmw, Bionic, Hazardwaste, Atlas, tutuu, Mistyx, Zugzwang, Someone, Wazza

(We don’t have much pre-release official art, hush.)

Day 2 draws to a close. @Atlas has been hung on a noose to dry, and:


Atlas survives another day. Draw your curtains, because another night beckons. The game continues.

Night 3 begins and will last for 24 hours.

Day 3 Start! Where nothing bad could ever possibly—

@Hazardwaste was found tied to the rails in the wake of an incoming train! He was:


Welcome to Bad Moon Rising, Hazard! Your name is ACE.

“Please, don’t bother trying to fool us.”

The Feisty Five are a gang of monsters who rules the Wild East, who alongside their leader, North Star, consists of gang members Ed, Moray, Ace and Mooch. Ace is the most serious member of the posse, and is often seen reacting to the others’ shenanigans with face palms. But this does not mean that Ace isn’t included some of the adventures of the Feisty Five, as he and Mooch installed the speaker system throughout the town, using it to play an eagle screech and play jingles and songs at all hours of the day.

@Wazza slept in this morning so we pronounced death at the scene and buried them anyway. They were:


Welcome to Bad Moon Rising, Wazza! Your name is MOOCH.

“Don’t be a buzzkill. When’s the last time something exciting happened around here?”

The Feisty Five are a gang of monsters who rules the Wild East, who alongside their leader, North Star, consists of gang members Ed, Moray, Ace and Mooch. Mooch is the youngest member of the posse, and is only one in the group that commits crimes; those being pickpocketing and thievery. She likes shiny items, such as the guns that the gang carries, and she is the only one that never oversteps her boundaries.

Morning start!

Was bound to happen lol

Whisper Log Day 1
Seat Order (#1) (#2) (#3) (#4) (#5)
[1] Crazynuto Atlas (20m) bystander (26m) jmw (45m) zugzwang (1h)
[2] IcetFeelsPain Atlas (41m) Wazza (12m) Hazardwaste (27m) Wazza (3m)
[3] PrettyPrincess
[4] Bystander crazynuto (26m) May (4h 54m) Zugzwang (5h 36m) Atlas (55m) Someone (2h)
[5] Geyde
[6] JMW crazynuto (45m) Zugzwang (1h 13m) May (1h 2m)
[7] Bionic
[8] Hazardwaste Atlas (35m) Zugzwang (33m) May (23m) icet(27m)
[9] Iamagummybear
[10] Atlas crazynuto (20m) Hazardwaste(35m) Icetfeelspain(41m) bystander (55m) Mistyx (10m)
[11] Jarek Someone (1h 32m) Wazza (1h 40m)
[12] Mistyx Atlas (10m) Wazza (6m)
[13] May bystander (4 h 54 m) JMW (1 h 2 m) Hazardwaste (23m)
[14] Zugzwang Hazardwaste (33m) bystander (5h 36m) JMW (1h 13m) crazynuto (1h) wazza (26m)
[15] Someone bystander (2h)
[16] Wazza Jarek (1 h 40m) Icetfeelspain (12m) Icetfeelspain (3m) Zugzwang (26m) Mistyx (6m)
Whisper Log Day 2
Seat Order (#1) (#2) (#3) (#4) (#5)
[1] Crazynuto JMW + Atlas (46m) JMW (32m) Litten (38m)
[2] IcetFeelsPain Wazza (50m) Tutuu (Jarek) (15m) Litten (1h 17m) Wazza (1h 20m) Hazardwaste (44m)
[3] Bystander Mistyx (57m) Atlas (30m)
[4] Geyde
[5] JMW Crazynuto + Atlas (46m) Crazynuto (32m)
[6] Bionic
[7] Hazardwaste Litten(27m) May (1h 11m) Icetfeelspain (44m)
[8] Iamagummybear
[9] Atlas Wazza (26m) Crazynuto + JMW (46m) Zugzwang (31m) bystander (30m)
[10] Tutuu (jarek) Icetfeelspain (15m)
[11] Mistyx bystander (57m)
[12] May Hazardwaste (1h 11m)
[13] Zugzwang Wazza (27m) Atlas (31m)
[14] Someone
[15] Wazza Atlas (26m) Wazza (27m) IcetFeelsPain (50m) IcetFeelsPain (1h 20m)
[16] Litten Hazardwaste (27m) crazynuto (38m) IcetFeelsPain (1h 17 m)

atlas notes: why was litten whispering someone who communicates in 2-3 words per sentence for over an hour?
… same with wazza. thats their fourth whisper with icet.

I think I already explained all my whispers with Icey

I died as i lived.

With my cards face down on the table and all my pokerchips in the pot


Tell me you got something good

it could be something good

if we can figure out what the demon is its really good

or really bad

yeah gotcha