is this what doctors do?
if jarek is wolf, claiming outsider feels like it mostly comes from worlds where they know there’s a godfather in game
there’s only one outsider normally so blindclaiming that feels quite pointlessly risky
that’s like
my major point as to why atlas is evil along with the mechanics
theyve made pointless risks in other games
i linked a game where nearly the exact same thing has happened and you just ignored it
and that argument still applies to three other people
There’s a major difference, one that I asked already and was told no. They claimed outsider because their intiial claim didn’t work out, because it being claimed already
link the post
where ya asked
It was in whispers
well thats a damned shame isnt it!
I suppose?
I don’t know it feels weird to take the line they have
claiming an outsider just to claim an outsider when you reasonably couldve gotten bluffs is a think jarek would do
with reason
jarek doesn’t do things just for the hell of it it
jarek claimed a random tf when they couldve gotten bluffs for little reason
They also sit right next to atlas
…which clears me of being both the demon and the godfather, because i wouldnt let them do that
so putting forward two worlds
- Jarek is godfather
- One of Someone, Wazza, Atlas, or Mistyx is godfather
it ain’t much but it’s honest work
I’ll keep in mind the world where jarek just takes a blind risk into account but I think the slot really would prefer to claim townsfolk if at all possible given numbers
The entire push on yoy has been because of DA