Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

waza asked me for my role in neighbor chat didnt respond yet

you’re pushing me off of an info somebody in a doubleclaim gave you

want me to tell em to go to u?


bys check neighbours

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fyi, jarek could be lying.
i know who jarek claimed was the chambermaid cc (because i asked), but they couldve lied to me too

so its the same person.

all this chat has said is that jarek is minion who didnt have bluffs or jarek is actual goon

the entire matter is something that doesn’t have to do with jarek being checked

jarek was checked n1 and n2, correct?

whats happening

but my lips are sealed now

this is public info.

if thats true, da acts both nights
so it shouldve been a 1 night one between us and a 2 n2

Jarek cc’d by Misty (both fighting last outwider slot)
Atlas implicated by mech to be da

litten is just making things up.


youre claiming chambermaid info implicates me

Where did I state this?

which is either a doubleclaim or doesnt mean all of much