Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

Spoilers moment


maruki was so true tho

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remember to get y’alls gossips in

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Probably gonna be sleep at eod

@hearth atlas gossips that two of the players that have publically claimed to be sailor are evil

I gossip that Litten is Good @Magnus @Silviu200530

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dont gossip about travellers

It’s Litten

I’ll gossip about that kitten all I want

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Litten has died last night.

a. you’re trying not to cause a kill, unless its really important
b. litten being evil. really isnt important.

It’s Litten

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I’m so gossipable

just exile them if you think they’re evil
causing a kill if they’re good is a Bad Idea


your insane if you think tea lady, grandmother, Innkeeper, Couriter are shit


hi insane im hazard

Innkeeper is such a goated fake claim for evils though
