Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

damn it only 140.


@Zugzwang when you get a chance don’t forget to finish your reads going down the playerlist

no hate to litten but Voudon really kills my motivation to post lmao

I’ll just leave this open in a separate tab and check for the (1)

Are you trying to kill someone
You should be doing it the opposite way

Btw you can change gossips as gossip


No I’m right

I gossip that Arctic is straight @Magnus @Hearth @Silviu200530


yeah I will (reading up now tho)
and yes, I’m sailor.

That’s funny because I’m Sailor

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please don’t gossip for something that is provably false today


You ruin all my fun

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this. isn’t a joke.

I know I plan to change it I’m just bored and therefore Posting

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I gossip that may is a kitten

I gossip that Litten is a kitten

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Two kitties died last night so sad so sus no cure

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Have you heard what Hazzy thinks about hot kitties? Very suspicious…

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Actually I correct my prior message I think it’s a fine gossip a lot of people over 200 rn

I have not