Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

got out of a midterm thoughts have not changed

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well okay its more than that i think hazzy is a really weird kill but my point stands i think we should kill tutuu still

hey mist do you feel an impending sense of doom at all

i have an anxiety disorder this is just my life

why can’t we try to kill atlas again? don’t they seem most likely evil since the day kill failed

tutuu seems good to tho don’t get me wrong

atlas claimed fool before being executed and the world proposed where atlas was evil had them being DA, which couldn’t have avoided dying in that situation (as far as i’m aware)

why couldn’t atlas choose themselves as DA?

i dont think they can?

i could be wrong though

& either way the reason people thought atlas was da was thinking they had a target on jarek/tutuu slot which means it wouldnt be on themself


idk i think it’s kinda convenient of them

I told bystander I trust her, I dont trust you

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Dreamer specifically says “not yourself” so I asusme the default state of BotC characters is yes yourself


okay but that’s not a reason atlas surviving looks bad and i feel like you’re jumping through hoops here

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Cats hate this one weird trick to force them to whisper with you



I’d like to whisper Nuto and Litten sometime today
if Nuto doesn’t mind, it can be both simultaneously

sorry for lower activity in advance my figurative parade got rained on

/whisper jmw

you made me break whisper

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/accept @Litten

may are you village

I need more people to believe in