Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

so somebody got mad at me for lying to them
…after they lied to me

no no no i chose you every night

everybody wants to know everything but they dont wanna tell people what they know


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i have told everything that i know.

I lived when i gambled may as sailor
i died when i gambled bionic as exorcist

I’ve been pretty open


everyone suspects me of lying but no one ever expects crazynuto lying to you

speaking of has bionic actually been nominated

public claims

everybody was a generalization y’all

your token says courtier

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i have glened zero useful info from that


im proactive im dedicated to working as a team and i fear dying

this is truly shocking

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Hey Zug wanna whisper

I don’t think zug is the demon but also like why is zug zug


im drunk