now its my turn to out your role to everyone.
Litten claim voudon to me like a chump
the living want to exile me and make you sad
how does this make you feel
are you evil
fire alarm just went off
and by just i mean 40 minutes ago and i just got back now
why would uou expect someone who knows you’re lying to give you factual information
also if you thought i was a big fat liar, why not say it
wnna whisper now
why are you asking me that?
you thought i was too and we both kept mum
because im trying to discern your motives
remember to not have your vote on
i didnt trust you or nuto
all i wanted was your info
i told you to invent a code so i could bait you into killing me at night and coordinate it through whispers
voting is illegal if alive
not just your vote doesn’t count
straight up against the rules to vote
all living players, beside me, must nominate by pinging the hosts on the person they want to nominate, instead of the standard of voting them to nominate them
oh how do I unvote