Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

It’s too late to make you not mad at me for doing it and I’m not going to perform apology cause I don’t actually regret it. Bionic is very murderable due to Gambler but it’s also Bionic and I’m not locking him evil. Feel free to kill me for “defending outed wolves” or whatever

It’s just, like, how many consecutive games I’ve played here have been won for evil on convincing everybody to lock Bionic as evil when he wasn’t?



you already had nommed tutuu a while ago
i was just wondering why you did it again

I thought I hadn’t

the post right above you was replying to a vc where you had nommed tutuu

Are you gaslighting me


That’s what “nope” meant

not ‘again’
why you did it after the convo

or attempted to

And I explained that for you

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I am a very sleepy kitty tonight

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go to bed

I will soon

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I nede to get water so I can take my medication in the morning

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And I need to write more Drabble Duel posts

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It was funny.