Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

important to note may hasnt tod anyone who’s she’s been drinking with the last two days

here you go

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I want him to confirm as such.

But then the death of a tea lady the night i gambled may as the sailor with no gossip in play is weird

So it would have to been an
Assasin/Demon snipe

Is there any other place an assasin could have killed?

no because theyre drunk

When did ya drink with em


The night you were exo’d

i waked!!!

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radiant spirit heed my word

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pukka actually kills during the night but not the night after

Ok if we can confirm @Wazza was pukka’d i dont see an iceT evil world

Yes but pukka targets only die if a new target was picked. If wazza was pukka’d someone else would have had to been pukka’d yhat night

The Pukka poisons the Pacifist. The next night, the Exorcist chooses the Pukka to not wake tonight. The Pacifistdies, but the Pukka does not wake to attack tonight.

In turn if an exprcist was on iceT
And wazza was killed by a pukka
Then iceT cant be demon.

Unless iceT had the biggest brain plan of the crntury

Thats not how the character is read tho :sweat:

no the target still dies, exor is delayed

that’s the wiki tho

I love pandamonium Insitutition clear instructIons

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