Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

That doesnt sound pukka poisoned idk

surely you didn’t kill me for no reason

and well
you said there was info

You were claiming chambermaid and making up mechanical information on may being evil, when the GC was chambermaid + crazy reallt didn’t want the mechanical stuff to come out about their GC

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making up?

I can provide quotes

you mean stating true info about a doubleclaim
you lied to get me killed

feel free


i had a grandchild claim who claimed his role

combined with the fact that you were claiming CM to people it felt kinda blatant you were trying to use fake info to push them

surely jmw and nuto told you?

We did too.


Crazy told me he trolled you but not gc

people is plural by technicality
i only lied to nuto and jmw because i rightfully didnt trust them, i lied in a 3 to zug because i rightfully didnt trust him

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so in this beautiful, wonderful world
i alone am wrong

I must admit it’s very funny that both mecyabical reasons had to do with the grandmother

and you’re well aware i immediately dropped the cm claim and said i hardclaimed to others?