Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

dont think mag would do that
they also wouldnt put prof in whichi was betting on

already is a 3 man

They would put prof in if no one expected it

would be a party of four if a new one isnt the prof

Gc isn’t confirmed just cuz it dies

you really overestimate how much magnus desires being tricky over having a good game


what i am describing to you is better virgin
in longform
with me, debatably one of the most active players

I wanna bite someone

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I think it’s cause I’m hungry

Are you volunteering

I need to do homework I don’t have time to be bit

I can bite your homework

Don’t think that will help solve it

But it won’t be there anymore

You take big bites

I’m hungry

