Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

Hello, my subjects. Already accruing two votes, it seems I’m rather popular among the peasants.

Hello, peasant. Splendid to play with you.

Blasphemy! How dare you vote royalty, hmph!

In order to prove my allegiance to this wonderful town, I shant enter a single whisper unless I’m whispering with consensus village! None of you deserve to speak to me anyways, hmph!

@Geyde they don’t seem helpful ngl

like they’re not even whispering what are they gonna do for town

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reading comprehension

still they are not being a good apprentice by the look of things

Hmph, I have an ability peasant!

which is?

Either the Chambermaid, the Gossip, or the Exorsist! Now cease!

yeah this is evil not even claiming the one ability

@bystander you’re in my list of cool people, vote prettyprincess please :3

Claiming the full ability would be, to put bluntly, idiotic in every conceivable metric. The 3 abilities I claimed are powerful, two of which are mostly confirmable, so to push me here is; without question, the most foolish thing a commoner like yourself could do!

@Bystander if you vote me you’re a LemonTangerine alt!


you’re aware backing into the nonconfirmable one would be suspicious, correct?

since travellers arent listed in the NAR if apprentice gets a night 1 acting role can it use it then or no @Hearth

Fully and perfectl! Even the non confirmable one however, does have some semblance of power in this game, however! Granted, chances are I full claim D2 due to me traveling out, likely within the first 3 days due to IRL issues.

For the record, me travelling out before D3 guarantees that, no matter what role I am chances are I won’t be very useful if I’m evil, and I have a high likelyhood of being useful presuming I was good. If I’m assassin, me not whispering constics info towards the point where I cannot find any minions, and stabbing is quite risky. If I’m MM, chances are I don’t proc before D3 and if we fear a MM we can exile me. Presuming that I’m Godfather, I won’t be able to hand information to my demon to the point where my role is, once again; nigh useless. I forgot the other minion so I’m already confirmed not to be that since I don’t even remember its name ^w^

a few days of any minion still murks info

having a +1 minion can be very bad, and makes sense with a good judge