Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

blood on the clocktower

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sounds dumb

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what are travelers

bad things


so true

Good morning all, apologies for the wait, was swamped at work, still am, honestly not great.

Still I’ve remembered this tab, and I’m here to gossip with my gift of gab.

I gossip that out of our current two traveler

PrettyPrincess is good, leaving Geyde the one who is no longer a bachelor.

For Evil Geyde has lain their head. This one’s heart is full of bloodshed!

(AKA. I gossip that PrettyPrincess is Townsfolk aligned, and that Geyde is Evil-aligned. Both will have to be true for the Gossip’s effect to trigger)

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Ah forgot a @Silviu200530 and @Magnus

If I’m correct will I be considered sus?

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why are we gossiping about the travelers what

actually, why are we gossiping this early in the day at all

Eh why not? It’s best to gossip whenever in order to disguise oneself. It’s all a part of my master plan, that I might’ve already forgot.

average clocktower player

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Well since we’re the only ones here, wanna chat?

Chat request to all who are into that, just ping me with an @t

what is gossiping im so confused

@hearth i gossip that bear and mistyx are the same alignment

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Anyone can claim any role though.

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nuto, care for a chat?

what’s the most useful townsfolk character

Ah Atlas of course I’d like that!

/whisper @Atlas

I’ll make the chat.