Valorant FM Game Thread (13/18) [Night 2]

VOTE: Conroy

there you’ve had 30 minutes

I’m being serious lol

Wait I figured it out

VOTE: min

VOTE: Eliza

the company??? im intrigued. . However I’m on PC.

no reasoning for vote obvscum


immesurable heat coming in

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The gorlies are fighting


Have you ever plaid mafia with more than tryhards ever

OK I’m enjoying this game way more than that newbie joat game lol


I will never add explanation to my vote unless I want to. Hawp in line :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Anyway I vote eliza because she’s overcompensating


as in like

the fact i know you’re pushing me for a reaction just makes it so im not interested in even talking zz

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I see that

Yes :+1:

sabi jaiden min


conroy eliza


okay well i will say this:
ive scumread people for that like 10 times
half the time they flip town anyways.
so like
not exactly the most reliable thing
(note that i don’t have a source this is just memory)

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literally the opposite
I spent the last 2 years on my fucking mission teaching the word of mafia to tos nerds
I was forged in the fire of role madness games with 4 neutrals and 7 town where people played mafia like its SLOTS

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what should i eat for dinner