Valorant FM Game Thread 2 (7/18) [Mafia wonnered]

Why do you believe in Marl’s words? Did he argue about a very specific line of logic? If yes, what that might be?

Well I think Sadbi is town so.

So my thing with Eevee is

that was

really fucking risky to not let Eliza hammer tbh

like it puts him in a really shitty spot to do so as a wolf and i feel like he knows that.

issue is he kinda would as wolf, but with how gamethread was approaching both eliza and eevee, i kinda think hes

town? from it tbh. The entire thread is against him, and it could fuck his team over and blow up in his face really bad

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Why? Marl could be wrong, from your perspective since you are claiming town, Marl as wring about you right? Why are you taking his reads at face value?

I trust Marluxion to know he’s a smart player who know what he was doing and he was starting to get in the right track so mafia killed him

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Yeahhh I don’t believe eevee is mafia because he’s being really independent and reckless for how he plays.

@Zorvo NAR roleblocker.
Like if you are speaking of opposites, I’m opposite to Arctic more than Memes.

But like… actually, let me list all the pairings.

Like “hammer” has 2 people - Eliza and gorta
NAR has me, may and Arctic
Visit same person has Conroy and Neon
Wind and Sadbi roles are based on player list
Marl and Kiiruma operating on “future nights”.
And Kiiruma who… is getting information from all above categories so far.

Me and Memes are roleblockers
Marl and Conroy were disabling feedback
Blizer, Jaiden, Eliza and Bellatrix
Kiiruma and Silviu MD

I’m probably missing some of those too, since Memes, Jaiden and Blizer didn’t claim exact mechanics.


Lol. Bruh. Wolves kill straight up threats and he was a direct threat to you that is why you killed him.

Because I know how good he is, I’ve played with him serval times.

Many people here are smart people, but general and emotional intelligence are important in a game of FM.

That being said, I still think solving viges first is the move. Due to it being odd number of players rn.

He was a threat to you too!

By the way IQ tests are not realistic, so remember that people would need to have specific intelligence about how to read people behind a screen and that’s already hard as hell because of uncertinity.


So have i and i have hosted for him too. I couldnt believe this was Marluxion, he plays very differently as how he plays at MU.

You wanna take legacies to the letter? He townread me he just thought i was playing bad.

@Marl i have but i am trying mate.

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Guillo I’m once again pleased to see you back around man

Seth I am going to be frank, you are quite the player who relies on themselves to provide reads and you’re literally going hard at eevee because some dead man thought that somebody is kind of sussie

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Also, please stop telling Eliza to shoot Memes.

Like… you are telling Eliza to shoot roleblocker claim.
I don’t know if Memes have shots left, but if they do, it’s obvious how it will end.


how do we all feel about

Jaiden then?