Valorant FM Game Thread 2 (7/18) [Mafia wonnered]

yeah. totally. im the one complaining about it

Not what Iā€™m talking about

this is completely unrelated to the game so im just gonna ignore you now

I really donā€™t know where to go from here

Are you fucking serious lol

You complained about how annoying something was I gave an example of someone else doing it thatā€™s not fucking complaining

I can see this but that would require it to be something like Memes/Blizer/Eevee/+1

Is this game real? Iā€™m starting to think Iā€™m in an elaborate prank.

Trying in this game is the most unbelievably unhealthy thing Iā€™ve ever done in my life

Iā€™ve already explained and he is already aware Marluxion and Arctic were better kills.

Iā€™m arguably easier to ML.

You skipped this!
Bad Girl!

Team is Zorvo/Jaiden/Gorta

VOTE: Zorvo

As always Iā€™m not confident because I suck but Iā€™m as confident as I can be in at least 2/3rds of this

Iā€™m closing this tab going to bed and coming back when the next phase starts for my health. Feel free to push me when Iā€™m not here and than flash wagon me you guys are good at that.

seth please never say this in public again

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For once I agree with you

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Neon/Memes W/W paranoia despite my TvW read.

I donā€™t want to think of these reads cause W/W shit never ends well.

OMFG did you even care to look what I said about Memes?

Probably Frozen cause you canā€™t answer this.

Damn I must of been right on this wolf team eh?
They really donā€™t want Eevee to go over eh?

Yeah sorry you found us out. I planned with Ruby to make this evil plan of us to post this game so we could prank you, Memes and Sadbi. We thought that Memes was still new to the site so we didnā€™t quite ask him if he was an alt.
Me and Ruby knew at a certain time it would hit 1st of august this game to pull a prank, however we accidentally thought we are in March and thought we were preparing for an aprilā€™s fools day.

We wanted to hide that because well how can one even forget theyā€™re in freaking july trying to plan an aprilā€™s fools prank? But I digress



Please tell me your seeing this?

My seeing what?