Valorant FM Game Thread 2 (7/18) [Mafia wonnered]

So my thing with Eevee is

that was

really fucking risky to not let Eliza hammer tbh

like it puts him in a really shitty spot to do so as a wolf and i feel like he knows that.

issue is he kinda would as wolf, but with how gamethread was approaching both eliza and eevee, i kinda think hes

town? from it tbh. The entire thread is against him, and it could fuck his team over and blow up in his face really bad

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Why? Marl could be wrong, from your perspective since you are claiming town, Marl as wring about you right? Why are you taking his reads at face value?

I trust Marluxion to know heā€™s a smart player who know what he was doing and he was starting to get in the right track so mafia killed him

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Yeahhh I donā€™t believe eevee is mafia because heā€™s being really independent and reckless for how he plays.

@Zorvo NAR roleblocker.
Like if you are speaking of opposites, Iā€™m opposite to Arctic more than Memes.

But likeā€¦ actually, let me list all the pairings.

Like ā€œhammerā€ has 2 people - Eliza and gorta
NAR has me, may and Arctic
Visit same person has Conroy and Neon
Wind and Sadbi roles are based on player list
Marl and Kiiruma operating on ā€œfuture nightsā€.
And Kiiruma whoā€¦ is getting information from all above categories so far.

Me and Memes are roleblockers
Marl and Conroy were disabling feedback
Blizer, Jaiden, Eliza and Bellatrix
Kiiruma and Silviu MD

Iā€™m probably missing some of those too, since Memes, Jaiden and Blizer didnā€™t claim exact mechanics.


Lol. Bruh. Wolves kill straight up threats and he was a direct threat to you that is why you killed him.

Because I know how good he is, Iā€™ve played with him serval times.

Many people here are smart people, but general and emotional intelligence are important in a game of FM.

That being said, I still think solving viges first is the move. Due to it being odd number of players rn.

He was a threat to you too!

By the way IQ tests are not realistic, so remember that people would need to have specific intelligence about how to read people behind a screen and thatā€™s already hard as hell because of uncertinity.


So have i and i have hosted for him too. I couldnt believe this was Marluxion, he plays very differently as how he plays at MU.

You wanna take legacies to the letter? He townread me he just thought i was playing bad.

@Marl i have but i am trying mate.

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Guillo Iā€™m once again pleased to see you back around man

Seth I am going to be frank, you are quite the player who relies on themselves to provide reads and youā€™re literally going hard at eevee because some dead man thought that somebody is kind of sussie

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Also, please stop telling Eliza to shoot Memes.

Likeā€¦ you are telling Eliza to shoot roleblocker claim.
I donā€™t know if Memes have shots left, but if they do, itā€™s obvious how it will end.


how do we all feel about

Jaiden then?

You did not tell me why you believed itā€™s eevee. You literally said because ā€œMarl said soā€ without providing his reasonings.

This is making you disingenious :eye: