Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY



here’s my reviewer thoughts copypasted from spec chat

I kinda gave up on reviewing this game after it took me 2 months and just passed it after fixing the baseline and the wording
there’s a lot more changes I would’ve made in hindsight to specific roles, so I’m gonna make a bit of a list here

  • 1-shot lottery winner has ~no reason to pretend to be a uni backup at first. it just shouldn’t be able to fire d1
  • instead of the Elder Cult Leader being a d1 Prince and all the shenaniganas there, they should just be able to convert n1 and n2 even while dead (but not in dead chat until d3)
  • the Elder Vampire Goon shouldn’t have its 1-shot extra kill; this was a mistake on my part, I meant for it to just have the 3-shot watcher, but something happened and it gained both
  • the Kleptomaniac Ghoul should have an explicit “There are godfathers in this game; whether or not they are useful is a different story” in the OP (no one expects godfathers on fol unless it’s stated)
  • maybe rework the firebrand? I’d have to do the math here
  • recharger is 2-shot too
  • Virgin needs either a Mafia Roleblocker in game or just a full rework. probably would’ve done the second given the gimmick of the game
  • town needs less KP

none of these things I did. hindsight is 20/20 i guess

yeah its bullshit

it used to be an “immediate daykill” despite the fact day was over

Frost’s special kind of bastard games

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I forgot how many times I exploded that design lab.

as mentioned in spec (and to an extent wolfchat) most of this game’s review period was spent arguing with frost which was draining as shit
I considered just denying it several times

Not to mention periods of no posting, so thats not entirely true

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well yeah but that mostly applied to the first 2 weeks

i think i argued with you on like 5 seperate occasions

I expect godfathers, the forum I mostly play on normally has 1-2 GFs each game.

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yeah fair
most of FoL never includes godfathers in closed games

Yup. This was the reason why I tempted people to go vote me, and the reason why I said me voting myself wouldn’t be gamethrowing. I had to change plans afterwards to fakeclaim Setup Oracle, but oh well. It worked out in the end.



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also yet another game where a PR is executed d1

What… is even the point of giving it (and many other roles) 3-Shot instead of 2-Shot?

Yeah, uh… I did figure out Gorta could only douse on Odd Nights, but I thought he’d be able to ignite on Even Nights as well to be honest. The role is just too weak to do anything other than being scary since it has to wait and survive 3 phases (i.e. day, night, day) to do anything useful again.

Oh definitely. If Someone had randomly visited me or childe N1, or if Gorta had ignited me N3 instead of dousing May, then things would’ve changed SO much.

Okay, so… If you gave up on review, then why and how did it pass review?

Ok on second thought with the VH in the game I think that’s fine as it’s a “please stab me for not dying” moment

geyde has done the same thing several times iirc so

and I had fixed the most problematic elements

Once again Icet I apologise for being a goon