Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

It’s because you are constantly trying to get people to target you and hard claiming when the OP says there is a mafia anti claim in play, but what’s worse is you are going something like “if we all hard claim they can’t kill us all”, which is suspicious as crap.

This doesn’t explain why you want everything to target you.

This isn’t provable, she could’ve rerolled it until she got the answer she wanted, only Discobot is banned

The only roles with a death wish are those like certain noots in FoL or roles that somehow take revenge after death

*or mafia roles

town recharger doesn’t have a death wish usually

if you are that valuable why do you claim that openly on d1 and try to constantly get people to target you with every ability

basically I’m claiming that you are lying


words aren’t working 100% today

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I’m a 2-shot lil’ bitch who wants to be punted

sure but it also sounds like a wolf who wants to look helpful but doesn’t want to comment on the game

it’s almost like I already said something similar and am doing something like solving as well.

Come get me woofies

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I have a death wish

It’s up to you if you trust my claim its real but i suspect most people will suspect I’m baiting

Saying they can’t kill us all is clearly tongue in cheek

I have a death wish

I wanna die

Looks pretty provable to me

Who says it’s my role

I’m going to roll a random number 1-100 and I’m going to get a 69 first try

Not my role


I have a death wish