Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I am clearly confirmed town everyone knows that, voting the confirmed town means you work against the town

And how are you confirmed town, good sir?

Ah, yes. You are “confirmed”. Therefore, I have to vote you. :nerd_face:

VOTE: Jarek

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(Zone is my first real wolf read of the game but I’ll ignore that since he’s so cute!)

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By the way guys, what things do we want to know about this setup?


If I say it loud enough it has to be true that’s how it works

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Basically fuck all

Why did this reaction take so long?

There is anti claim tho

Nothing, it’s a closed setup. Unless anybody has a census?

Oh, hihi. Been a while since I’ve played a game with u ^^
Might as well start it off on a good note since we left on quite a sour one.

I had to think of a comical answer to this thought experiment because we all know that the reality is I am confirmed town


someone is green now

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I see.


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VOTE: zone


Okay, since y’all can’t make good answers, let me make it multiple choice instead.

Which one out of these do we want a clarification from? I am talking about end-game questions here.