Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

my brain calculated based on 12 people

would’ve been wrong anyway with the conversion mechanics which I’m just gonna go out on a wim and say it’ll be a one-shot converter

I don’t think this setup passes with a consta-convert for wolves and I really don’t think there’s another form of conversion apart from just being with the evils lol


Why were you fishing for Zone’s role?

Aside from the fact that I think people taking my banter a bit too seriously are potentially evils looking for a free thing to jump on no not really

So, the problem is the only people jumping on that are me and Leafia, both of whom I think are town ATM.

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I will force you to die n1

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I somewhat doubt it’s one shot. Might be two shot though if it’s limited.


Childe might be wolf but I recently scammed them so not voting yet.

thats towny

I’m not saying they’re evil I’m saying that it seems like an excuse to look like you’re doing something when you’re not

Speaking of conversion, @Luka what exactly do you want to know about it?

So you only think you’re town? j/k Giggles

How it works mechanically. Maybe how much times it can be used.


Conversion in game, you never know!!

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Fishing for roles when anticlaim exists is the complete opposite of towny.

Meh, sure.

  • Leafia
  • Zone
  • IceT
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So… You’re accusing us of having an agenda, while you think we’re town?

That’s a strawman argument

what the hell is a sprout

we gonna grow into proper veggies in this one

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No, it’s not. You’re saying that “it seems like an excuse to look like you’re doing something”, IE: An Agenda, while at the same tine “I’m not saying they’re evil”. I am not misrepresenting what you’re saying.

Hallia’s way of reads, I stole it ^^.