Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

Eliza would be my choice, but uh thats because I just think that she’s following what everyone else is doing

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I don’t really know what Scoot means by “bleh” tbh. I agreed with how they didn’t want to push you.

Also I feel like I’m most likely going to die anyways, so imma claim what my role does.

I am a vigilante basically

which isn’t a good claim ngl LOL

they meant they didnt want to vote me

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atleast not now

Okay I figured but didn’t want to assume in case I misinterpreted.

I mean, it is still a claim nonetheless.

Reason I say its not a very good claim, is that it doesn’t really give much info.

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what kind of vigilante


What’s that supposed to mean?

what does your ability speficially do

I’d argue a claim gives a lot of info tbh. Whether it is info that helps you or hurts you, it’s still info. We can also coordinate with you and your ability if you’re telling the truth

I get stronger over time, maxing out at night four

if you can kill people we can leave you alive
for now

Yes, I can kill people

k cool
will find somone else to vote

i would like more specifics tho