Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

He was calling different people different characters


this is so funny
it’s basically equivalent to saying “I’m gonna human you”


What was that Luna? Dementia? That a spell?

Normal people use forums to make long posts

I use forum to make the exact same kind of messages I would make on discord


L m a o

me too

Yeah, but are you as degenerate as I am in regards to it?

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Having short posts is one thing

It’s a totally different thing to have many posts with many thoughts in many different directions

Oh hey Eliza why is your title “reviewer”. Do you review stuff for Forum Mafia?




I gotta ask, do the students not like how I talk? Should I try to be more hip with the kids? ((Should I drop the bit, lmao))

Your choice tbh

I’m chillin

I mean, I probably won’t understand what you’re trying to say, but you can continue if you want to. Don’t let me be the sole reason you stop your bit

i am fancy now