Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

The NPC is never a kill that pushes town wincon, it’s just marginally better than sleeping and only if you trust Kiiruma (which I donut)


:doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut: :doughnut:

The NPC was actually a Kiiruma Radar

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yes, we should let it get to lylo so it can vote a townie, right?

Let NPC guide the way to victory

wait, that’s not part of the town wincon…

I’m just treating the NPC as a really really really stupid player

Oh okay. Yeah I don’t trust Kiiruma. It’s okay if u guys didn’t read my read post since it was long. But, in summary, Kiiruma’s claim feels fake bc no one else can verify it/has experienced this mysterious ability before. Jormok has ppl who can vouch for him. Kiiruma doesn’t
VOTE: Kiiruma

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there are times where if a player is bad enough it’s worth day killing them so town can get on track
the upside is the NPC isn’t posting in thread

having a stupid town player that far into the game is more of a detriment than executing them

Exhibit A: Corrupted_Dreamer in the ENA Genie game

Don’t we kill those?

sweats nervously, looks in mirror


*According to Kiiruma

*According to Kiiruma

What does this mean?

oops I messed that up lol

they claim that they have a hidden vote against them

The NPC isn’t hidden. We can see that vote, no?

Part of their passive.

Sorry, ability I mean.

I feel like that’s a rlly…odd passive. Aren’t passives supposed to be good?

I’m a glass cannon. I have [+1 vote] and [+1 vote against me]

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