Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

Nah it’s actually not that strong IMO

@guavagudetama You asked for my reads. Get your popcorn!
Here are my reads organized from largest number of posts to least. Before you read this, please keep in mind that these reads are not set in stone. D1 information is very shaky/not concrete enough, but I will try my best with what I have. Again, sorry for the wait!



Read: Scum-Lean

The go-getter attitude is typically townie, but the rest of Apo’s post feel like she is trying to blend in. Maybe this is normal for Apo, but she has an odd amount of fluff. Granted, she did provide her reads. I’ll give her that. (This is why I have her as wolf-lean tbh. It was the towniest thing they did, but then again, it is just words. Anyone can act eager. Votes speak louder than words).

This post scares me. A common evil tactic is to spew fluff, so you appear more townie. At first, I assumed a wolf wouldn’t call themselves out like that, but then I thought about it some more. I think this post is Apo’s cover for fluff posting. To convey her fluff posting (rather than just taking my word), I decided to count Apo’s current total of “nyas”, and she has said it about 30 times (counting is hard). This also doesn’t include the "LMAO"s or the "uwu"s scattered throughout her posts. If you filter her messages, a majority of the messages are one-word responses to things. It feels like a very surface-level of interaction imo.

In conclusion: Apo has been incredibly active this game, but I do not view their activity as townie. It feels like a wolf blend-in tactic. (Although this is my first read, I will admit it is the one I feel least confident on. I don’t think Apo and I have ever spoken, so I have no idea what is considered normal for her. I just used my social deduction experience to judge her).



Read: Town

Although I disagree with D1 having “alignment indicative” info, Arturo’s push for me to give reads feels very townie. Compared to Apo’s eagerness, it is something that wolves would be less likely to do. What I mean is faking eagerness has no direct repercussions for wolves meanwhile calling for reads means you are expected to give your reads shortly after. Based on my experiences in AMQ Mountainous, wolves hesitate on giving out their reads/giving out confident reads as they would either wait a long time to post reads or declare most people as “lean” or “null”.

An example of Arturo actively trying to solve the game by reading into people’s responses. Can this be wolfy? Yes, but I believe it is more town-lean due to analysis of posts (more effort feels townie).

Although Arturo is suspecting me here, I feel that their reason is 100% justified. Up until now, I haven’t really been solving the game. I’ve been interacting with things on a surface level because I would respond to messages as I saw them. In other words, I haven’t really done any in-depth analysis because the posts I saw at that time weren’t anything deep. The topics were purely speculation. (To clarify, I am not saying I gave lazy answers. If anything, I offered my POV on things even if they seemed like smaller topics in the grand scheme of things). Arturo is right though: From my posts, it appears as though I am not trying to solve the game whatsoever. Arturo’s reason for suspecting me feels townie and not like a forced scum read. Arturo, if you would like to discuss this more, I can. I feel like you’re town, and I hope I can convince you I’m also town.

This doesn’t help his case in any way, but I think it’s my favorite quote from this game so far. XD

In conclusion, Arturo feels very townie. It doesn’t feel forced. They’re my top town read atm.



Read: Definition of Null

It is near impossible to determine what alignment Jormok is from this message. There are so many hypotheticals. I will die on this hill.
If we assume this information is true, Jormok could be evil and have the knowledge of seeing his teammates. On the other hand, it could easily be Jormok with a town ability revealing these numbers.
If we assume the information Jormok provided is fake, it could be interpreted as a town bluff or an evil bluff. *Sure, we don’t have a reason to doubt this information since we have no other leads, but it feels really suspicious to put a target on your back willingly if you’re town. I can’t confidently chalk it up to Jormok chaos.

Aside from Jormok’s claim about non-town roles, their posts have felt very conversational and not really game-solvey. Jormok’s posts feel similar to Apo’s in the fluff sense, but I think Jormok is less likely to be evil since I have seen Jormok interact this way as town in AMQ Mountainous. (I am referring to his way of joking around with the others and carrying casual conversations).

In conclusion, Jormok’s D1 posts don’t feel alignment indicative. Yes, I know I claimed this is how Jormok played in AMQ Mountainous, but this playstyle feels like Jormok behavior that isn’t tied to a role. This is why they’re in null atm.



Read: Scum-Lean

This is the only post I can find from Drinks working to solving the game. It isn’t really their own read. More so, they offer to dig up information that has already been stated. 137 posts in, and it doesn’t feel like Drinks has provided much of their opinion imo. (You could technically argue the same for me as I offered information on speculation, but I know my own perspective).

In conclusion, Drinks feels wolf-lean. I am also not sure of Drinks’ normal playstyle, but using my own experience, it seems suspicious.



Read: Town-Lean

Kork trying to get people to interact with the game. It feels townie.

Although I am quoting just my section of Kork’s read list, their read list makes sense. In other words, I can see where Kork is coming from on their reads, and it doesn’t feel forced. In regard to this part of his reads though, it makes sense Kork doesn’t have a read on me. I haven’t said or done anything that raises any major red or green flags imo. I have just kinda been here and there. If Kork did have a read on me with what little content I had, I would be concerned.

In conclusion, I don’t feel like I’m being marinated by Kork (yet). Their attitude and reads in this game feel like a genuine attempt to solve the game. They’re town-lean.



Read: Scum-Lean

Trigger-happy voting doesn’t strike me as town behavior. Unless they are a joke or were talked about more in-depth than what I’m seeing (through non-filtered chat), it feels like Kana is trying to stir chaos imo.

This interaction felt really…odd. If I remember correctly, Demi started to build a case against Arturo, and then Kana pounced on it. Even if Kana trusts Demi, it feels weird for her to jump on the vote like that.

There are moments like this where Kana seems townie by wanting player interaction and offering her own reads, but when I look at her reads, I don’t see a lot of concrete info within them. I think the most concrete read she had was on Demi being eager to play the game, and again, I think general eagerness is not alignment indicative imo. As someone who tries to be a leader/more influential role as evil, I know that claiming you’re ready to “catch the bad guys” or whatever isn’t a strong indicator of good or evil. It just makes you appear to have a common objective which is how you can gain trust.

After finishing this reads list, I am reminded of my trust issues lol. Okay. I will leave it there for now. I am exhausted. I know this isn’t everyone, but these are the ppl I feel have enough info to make a general vibe read on for D1. These are subject to change (given it’s D1) but feel free to ask questions about my reads! Anyways, Merpy snoozin’. Good night, everyone!


i dont have any super rares or tuper rares

Host readlist

Anthem: Not the host
Apo: Not the host
Bylamir: Not the host
Demi: Not the host
Doodle: Not the host
Drinks: Host-lean
Eliza: Not the host
Guava: Not the host
Hazard: Not the host
Jormok: Host-lean
Kanave: Not the host
Kiiruma: Not the host
Kork: Not the host
Merpy: Not the host
Ruby: Host
YBW: Not the host

but generally townreads are gut except for demi and you
and wolfreads are sheeping (eliza) or i am wary of them (jormok and kii)

This formatting is the greatest gift you could have given us :pray:

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You have clearly never seen me play an FM game ajksdjklasjdkl. Even if we ignore the game where i literally fps’d you d1 and got shot for it, My vote Fluditity on early days is super common. In April showers in my first 70 posts (the amount I have today) I had 4 votes

I want to be out of RVS and like, I already hard read Demi so I’m going to sheep her to get this game started.



forgott about this ngl

note to self this is where Merpy’s read list is

oh Drinks is scum ggs
VOTE: Drinks

i thought there were more posts than there were I totally could have responded to what I wanted to within Merpy’s readlist

I think these:

feel like genuine attempts to help solve the game
I actually think the post you quoted. isn’t helpful to actually solving lol they were just like “yeah I can quote this thing” but it was something Kanave was going to find anyway because she was backreading

meme votes drinks
immediately starts defending Drinks

actually though I don’t like that Drinks said they were host lean because it implies they have information
but like
take a joke Arturo

VOTE: MerpyDerpy
so back to this

guavagudetama (2): Demisha, Kanave
Doodleshy (1): ElizaThePsycho
YoubutWorse (1): YoubutWorse
Jormok (1): Kiiruma
Kork (1): Jormok
Apocryphal (1): Kork
Hazardwaste (1): Apocryphal
ElizaThePsycho (1): AnthemBell
MerpyDerpy (1): guavagudetama


Sleightly more than halfway through standings (I did say I would vocalize opinions :ariel:)

Apo: Nothing signifigant. I see, in a lot of Apo posting (with minor modification, no “nya” or “uwu” and 33% less), what I perceive my own posting as which is hilarious. Essentially dry, middle ground who is very close to the microphone (or enter key in our case)

I did find this particularly funny and worth sharing though.

Guava: Feels genuine enough to pass for now. I think his criticism of other people’s views reinforces my trust here.
Could always be enthused about being on the evil side but that’s tinfoil nonsense get the voices out of my head get the voices out of my

Drinks: Why am I third on the post quantity shameboard

Jormok: Love to see a king showing off hard info day 1 LETSGO LETSGO LETSGO
My stance on his claim of information was already raised earlier but the essential summary is that it’s a good working ground for basing our voting concerns if genuine, or an unconfirmable and easily mimicable claim from an evil source.

I am however sad that he dropped the harry potter bit so early :frowning_with_open_mouth:

As much as I want to say “Kill Jormok to verify his claim”, confirming what he’s said so far as true is barely a step forward in terms of hunting down evils.

it’s not shameful unless you don’t like reading in a text-based game

Kork: I have Kork at a sour middle ground atm. Kork feels like the person who walked into class without doing the required reading with some of the posts. At least they feel misrepresentative of the contents of the thread. His readlist, personally, reads like quick spitballing.

The one thing legally going for him is poking Bylamir (which I believe was already done earlier in the day so :overlordshrug: I’m not putting weight to it).

Kanave: Kana and her appeal to logic :sob: I want to class her on a more positive note but hesitant to attribute her sharp arguments to a town alignment particularly. To me, she appears to be taking this game more serious than I remember previous games being with her (though it has been a while + could be the time in the Hyperbolic Champs Chamber). Or that might be having less time in this day as she mentioned :pensive:.

Would sponsor keeping her alive for the day, but not ranked mega high.

If it was 140+ posts of quality then I’d be fine, however:

wdym I think that fish is gonna solve the game for us

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if you die we know one of the scum characters hates fish obviously and then we just ask everyone for their flavour [DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FUCKING STUPID IGNORE THIS]

Remember to always FISH
