Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

<3 it’s all good!

I haven’t seen season 2 :sob:

I saw a little bit while in class (I already knew most of the subject :sleepsaionji:)

It’s an annoying spot because I must assume you speak with good faith (that you mean what you say) but I also understand your perspective as detailed.

Elaborate, my brain is small and doesn’t understand.

been catching up with messages, eliza strikes me as someone who feels like she should be more active (though ig i havent played with her really to know for sure), even to just shitpost so the fact that she’s been pr low activity is kinda like, sus imo

drinks calcing why d1 sleep is helpful and makes me more inclined to think towny than wolf

demi im leaning town i think if she were wolf her excuse of claiming world ender woudlve like, been more thought out?

kork im leaning wolf not really because of any reason i just get wolf vibes

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ok addendum, why d1 sleep is bad is helpful aaa mistyped


The equivalent of saying “It’s just a prank cmon bruhhgghh”

This is a self-condtradiction in the same message. You read as taking Jormok’s (now debunked) arguments block for block.

This reads like when you accuse the person in Ace Attorney and they begin to crack :tailtiu:
And painfully confrontational for people slinging stuff day one.

tldr Kork is an Ace Attorney baddie

VOTE: Kork

wait I completely missed that cuz I was talking to Demi
where tf does Apo say that LMAO she was just saying she didn’t have a lot of reads

It’s a bad practice to assume that someone doesn’t mean what they communicate (bad faith).

I have to take what you say as your true beliefs, which lead to irritation (in the in-game, friction sense, not that I’m mad at you as a person) that you were previously proposing the sleep d1. As a viewer I cannot with certainty tell whether you meant that originally, and swapped stances once you received pushback. Or if were setting it up as a trap.

i actually was asleep when u sent this lmao

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Gotcha! fair and valid!

Also that’s very important to bring up! I’m glad that this is being thought of and not just the full “Darn, he meant it as a trap, guess it’s not him.” Kinda thinking.

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let me have a look at eliza and kork
hestitant on eliza not because ive read her posts but because she has been MLed d1 more times than I can count and it really feels like this is another one to add to the list

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No the two posts before the post in question

Wait why

VOTE: Kork

Winced in pain


