Weekly Monday Discussion #4 - User Presence

quoting specific parts is hard when u link

user enabled is so good for cookie thread

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To be honest I think that if we cjoose to enable people will get used to it and play around it but also like
there are times where I as town don’t want to be seen as typing


As someone who spends hours writing wallposts i would hate for people to know im typing that entire time and for people to like ask me to post earlier

More details on the exploit itself would be helpful too though since wouldnt most users still effectively be having some threads presence enabled and some not excpet for those who abuse the exploit?


this pretty much
its good for community

we used to have presence enabled always
it did cause problems for FM games

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It was a core feature on old-FoL and a lot of people value the social side of this site and the dopamine hit more than game integrity

which is totally valid - we just don’t want to make a decision without seeing where the community as a whole stands


I turned user presence off everywhere as soon as I was made aware of the exploit

Nobody has any advantage rn


but yeah this poll is ass

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We need a lot more information to make an informed decision

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see that’s the smart solution but that didn’t stop spectators from accidentally triggering user presence :joy_cat:

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Oh yeah this

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design around stupid people existing
so if you have to pick one then disable entirely

try to get a ‘who is watching this thread’ plugin and attach it exclusively to cookie thread

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I have a heart attack hitting reply or accidently liking posts
I would die if prescence was enabled


i think now would be a really good time to ask magnus what movie characters we are

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ok so we want:

  • active dopamine cookie thread
  • actually good fm experience
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that’s what my solution optimizes for

I’m no expert but there’s a glitch where disabled likes from one thread interfere with other threads until you refresh

I assume that’s the issue here? I haven’t encountered it myself thoigh

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