Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Referencing a role around that concept.

Well, yes. I’m assuming that’s what Gar means.

Need 1 more vote on eliza @Hazardwaste @Porscha

Ooos yeah VOTE: Eliza

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You’re town, right?

So Hazard was pretty neutral, not very opinionated, on Story’s execution D1. The plan was for a triple, Hazard was simply fine with it. Comparing to TOS3, Hazard had sidelined Eliza suspicion and found reasons to passively trust her until he couldn’t any longer; it doesn’t quite match his treatment here.

i am glad i am being social read by a free willy joke. i am just saying.

What I tend to do is moreso read how a person generally acted, and then quote one or two posts that are representative of those behaviours. I’m not reading you off the comment itself.

Have a good night when you turn in, Hazard.

i am just wrapping up some st thread stuff in the unoffical server and am then calling it a night.

have a good one mag.

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i know… but its funnier to say you read me from free willy

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There is truly nothing more alignment indicative than one’s culture references.

I don’t believe I have ever seen the Godfather trilogy.

45 minutes left.

Oh geez.
This game.

Porscha never responded to my prompt, lockwolf.

10 minutes left.

Confirm that Eliza is on the block?

ElizaThePsycho (5): tutuu, Garfooled, Magnus, Hazardwaste
Porscha (1): ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (1): Porscha

Eliza is on the block with five votes.


Yes Gar, reminding you of the rules is allowed.