Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

So your saying like even though Aro was more suspected and had 3 or 4 more shooters, it was actually pure and the least suspected wolf Wazza wasn’t?

Nothing is as it seems. What is, is and what isn’t, isn’t.

So there isn’t any actual way to tell? Like the probability I’m using it’s my the way to go?

A person’s action will be just as such. An Action.

What’s that suppose to mean? Doesn’t it differ between town and wolf?

Actions are a choice, the user chooses to perform the action.

Don’t you agree about perspectives and TMI and stuff though?

They know who they are, that’s true. Others can assume who is who, that’s also true.

Master your answers are always so vague smh.

Thanks again Lord Genesect! Especially for the solve if your right.

Next time be more competent, Independent and open to others. You don’t need me to figure out simple problems, especially in a game.

So Maple will flip wolf, there isn’t a way right? Are you sure that’s the team?

Do whatever you wish. Doing this is your job not mine. You dedicated the time to this game, it’s your responsibility to play it not mine

So is there a trick to solving the randomness?


Will you share me your secret?

You will learn in due time.

I want to know the truth! I like it.

The Truth is indeed something I know you love. This game however was intended to have fun rather you win or lose. I don’t know why you keep involving me in these games.

I want to be better! Self Improve.
I know you do. but accuracy isn’t the way to go.

Why not?

In a game like this it’s sometimes better to be both wrong and right. If your always right your expected to be right, if your always wrong your expected to be wrong.

Nah sounds like shit. I like being right.

VOTE: Dota

Although, Maybe you have a point. Maybe I need to think better.
Maybe I need to go about FM differently or something idk. I’m sure I’ll figure out what I need to do though.

VOTE: Maple

Since you have disappeared my lord Genesect You must be frozen wolf you are probably busy and I’ll just go back to what I did before.

Dear fuckin god

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Well. I am very tired today because I’ve been out at store. And I will continue to be at store and/or graduation for the next few days, on account of graduating. So expect not much from me.

I don’t think this is true. I don’t think scum have the kind of momentum Eevee’s claiming they do - the way people have been pushing so consistently on me, the quick-moving train on Kork yesterday, the fairly high-pressure EoD yesterday for an execution that seemed so inevitable… it feels like they’re getting lucky, that Brad keeps narrowly dodging execution with the help of teammates’ pushes, and this would also fit into that. It’s an effort to knock people off their current path that makes me feel like we’re on the right track if eevee’s scum, and makes me more confident in the Brad wagon as a result. IDT Eevee makes this post if he’s W/V with Brad.

Also, Brad’s hostility and entitlement is not town-indicative:

He’s acted very similarly as wolf before, with a similar feeling of… entitlement to townreads, of hostility toward those who don’t, of being willing to directly insult people to try to knock them off his wagon when he gets scared.

I also think that his treatment of his partners in that game was informative - Jaiden was his buddy here, and he townleaned her, but didn’t place her as an official townread.

This is false, Brad lost One Step from Eden. Rereading that game also makes me more confident in Jaiden being scum - she had similar progression on my slot, kinda background pushing for suspicion on me for lowposting, reinforcing others’ arguments, that sort of thing, and I think the fact that she’s had more caveats about it this time is also wolfy, because we’ve played like three games together since then and she knows I expect more from her.

It all reads very similar. Also, she similarly did a quick-turnaround bus on Brad here:

She’d been neutral on him previously (:white_check_mark:), supporting wagons counter to his (:white_check_mark:), but after he did something objectively scummy and his slot clearly wasn’t being redeemed (:white_check_mark:) she placed a vote on him with a brief mention of “oh I’m turning around here because x” (:white_check_mark:).

TL;DR I still just think it’s Brad/eevee/Jaiden/+1 and I’m right and cool and correct and so on and so forth. You ahve to believe me on this because I have never been wrong inmy life. Good night

I’d believe that.
If Genesect didn’t come to me.

Your town either way so.

VOTE: BradLand

If this flips town I’d vote Maple though.
I’m open to others reads, I am now considering Genesects.

Your reads seem to be on par with how I’ve been thinking however Eevee does have a point we might be going into the wrong direction. So if Brad flips Town, Maple is probably the best next move and if that hits Wolf. I hope I’m dead so I don’t have to go against my town reads and submit to Genesect.

BradLand (6): May, Maple, Jar, guavagudetama, Jaiden, Zorvo

Fuck me Genesect, I swear if you’re right.

BTW this sums up exactly how I felt yesterday when Eevee spoke.

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hahaha seth just went insane
poor lad, mafia is taking a toll already

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6 votes?

What is hammer on 14


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I’m just sad at this point, this is another day with same wagons.

This game doesn’t progress at all.

What if Brad flips wolf though?

I will be on train when its eod

I think dota could be wolf if brad flips even town since their decision of townreading brad immediately was sos

yeah, mb
if I hadn’t pivoted to Kork yesterday and brought attention to him, one of Brad or May would have been executed and today would hopefully be a lot different
but, nothing I can do about that now

It’s all good Guava.
I believe your town.
You’ve been obvious to me all game tbh.
(When I say all game I mean since you were voting Iaafr.)

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