What a thing to shoot on honestly, but that is kinda funny to see
Well Maple did shoot Magnus who is now confirmed dead Townie. X.X
I ment to do / woops
Although I might have been the reason they shot there but the point is shoot within the 4 I provided.
/Shoot Maple
Shoot May or Eevee
What did I come to
Pretty sure You/Maple and Brad/May contain one wolf each.
Shots and VC’s and overall where the thread is.
Okay, I need more exact explanation for this.
It’s like.
This isn’t all town.
The shots on Aro contains at least one buss shooter.
Brad and May both shot there.
It’s hard to believe this is all town.
i think I didn’t say it at the time but i thought that brad would be likely to do that
and still do think that
I don’t think that explains it?
I mean, okay, let’s say that I get the buss shooter theory, which creates Brad / May pairing. I disagree, or at least “that shouldn’t be a focus for today”.
What about the other pairing?
Literally no other shot hit besides the Dota shot?
im a lucky boy
Considering I shot there and I’m leading the wagon, if anyone pairs me with May then they have a mass skill issue.
It’s not “with” may, but “one of may and Brad” pairing (from Zorvo PoV)