Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

wtf stop


not epic

CAN WE please stop fucking shooting holy crap

We can not resist the allure of the dayvig


would anybody like to acknowledge my pudding world

im gonna go eat Dinner soon i’ll go backread the rest of this 4 day game after im not on empty

the fact that you spent the effort to post it here makes me believe ur slot is just town

it’s unfortunate you are just incorrect

how does that make me lock town what

i didn’t say lock town💀

i would totally do the exact same thing as mafia

may can confirm

ok cool

then if u think so i retract my statement

i feel like you’re already uneedingly tunneling me based off of how offput you got by just a thought i had so if ur town just don’t

ok but you’re the mafia though

my nerves rn already aren’t being helped but the fact that slanker#3 randomly shot me and dipped

would really anyone care if i shot him and he died because one of these guys doing literally nothing but shooting have to just outright be frozen mafia atp. literally who is going to thread and going “im going to ita and then maybe post like 3 more times bye”

me rn

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Don’t worry I’m gonna shoot you instead

no i’m not

Not fully

For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

cannot wait for the rest of my existence in this game consisting of someone replying to all of my posts with “ur mafia” this is truly engaging gameplay