Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

yohr slot is also obvious town

the scum is in jar garfooled maple and guava if you want to go more spicy


Seriously though, the last time someone insisted to me that Jaiden was obvtown, she was scum so I don’t really feel bad about the shot

i forgot eevee too

So… No wolves are topposting? Lol

ok but that was a different person in probably a completely differenr context

yeah i think so

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Well it was w!Jaiden bussing the shit out of w!eevee so

if you disagree youre always welcome to iso the wolves for interactions
because personally i have no idea how to read jar and maple

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OK the forum is shitting on me but I skimmed some of Garfooled’s ISO to pull discussion about flipped wolves

And I’m trying to figure out if w!Gar talks their partner aro’s read on their partner min but mixes w!min up with t!lol

Maybe? There seems to be quite a bit of focus on min here but then they try to clear min off aro spew which was incorrect because both of them were wolves

Opinions? Imma keep skimming

Actually a bit less sure it’s Gar after more iso skimming
If the entire team is lowposting wolves then tbh still a possibility but I got the impression Gar doesn’t actually pay close attention to the shots lol

It’s not clearing but it looks like they keep mixing up wolves with town or something so it looks kinda un-TMI’d

Probably the most interesting posts I see from eevee so far
Mixed feelings about him, I’m still reading

Looking back at this, in conjunction with the ITA history
Aro got shot at by wolves lol

Hey @WindwardAway I’m town, are you town?

Well, at least May who flipped. Idk about the rest. But this theory was correct.

I’m town

Good, I believe that. Let’s cooperate.

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I might be a bit afk till later cause I have a flight to catch and family visiting, but I am slowly working through solving people one at a time

I don’t have a good overview of the game state right now other than that we’ve flipped 4 wolves and there are 2 left

So I’m not sure how much thread control scum has but I’m prioritising solving based on wagons from the latest EoD (and by that I mean prioritising ISOs, not prioritising voting people out because you see how it went when i shot jaiden lol)

Seriously tho. I’m entering game with simlar level of information to you.

Or rather I didn’t read anyone beside dota. So I’m down to splitting the task, if you are willing to.

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Still in Cop, huh?
I see.

im so special