Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

That’s mean. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean.
Raj is fine for now, probably wouldn’t go there today.

Who’s the next person you’re thinking of voting?

Anyone can be if they try hard enough.
Anyone can even be a scary town. It just takes time.
After your years of experience you have worked and earned to become one.
However, after which, the expectations on reading you should by default raise and be done differently to get a better result on you.

Who’s wolf in your opinion?

Idk man.

Seems like a normal Dota thing to say to a “scary” player like Achro.

okay who do you actually think we should kill then because you seem to be saying this about a lot of people but the person you are voting, eevee, is like the most useless day 1 vote i can think of, so i am going to assume it is not a real vote-to-kill, so who do you actually want to kill

he is a fluffy rabbit, of course he is hopping around the place
but seriously based read, i disagree with the result but its very ballsy

@arctic from what i remember aro does have that meta

@Zorvo i would say that to anyone

VOTE: Zorvo
convince me to vote someone else now if you want

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you havent given a single valid argument why aro is town you said hes null

pls stop making up reads

if ur pfp jellyfish or a human face?

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its a cat

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dam can you explain how

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yeah that vote was a memevote i probably shouldve unvoted earlier
im currently going through people trying to figure that out, its part of the reason why im reading isos
im gonna personally look into arogame next because i know next to nothing about them rn and theyre the top exec

Idk I don’t feel it would be truly an FM game unless I received a vote day 1.

Also, when you find a wolf read, ping me and let me know who.
K thanks. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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omg that is pretty crazy

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OP has been updated because i probably should have done that sooner

  • Removed Herobrine.
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Yeah I know it’s null.
I’m just using Achro’s own words. :crazy_face:

Let’s be honest.
Your my biggest fan and you missed me the most.


i am zorvos biggest fan

idk man i dont remember you being in his shrine like the rest of us

i built the shrine…

no the fuck you didnt I built the shrine
@Achromatic vouch

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omg herobrine shrine???!! :scream: :scream: