Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

of course :3

But you were being wolfy by your own admission

spoiler I actually didn’t vote you because i thought you were wolfy i had other intent

oh ok i absolve you of your sins then

except ehhhhhh but ok fine

notably, anyone who disagrees with you is a wolf
now, granted, this may be a town behavior however I don’t know you so im going to assume its a “TWTBAW isn’t real” moment

kill eliza after kill min

Kinda scummy

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I will shoot you every day until you die so shoot me first kk. Bai.

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Eliza obv town.


arctic aro town

leafeon min chrom zenon eliza mafia

(granted I didn’t read the posts of the people u were talking about but its painfully obvious)

no your mafia with her

bro has the dream team


This take is wrong

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honestly fol mafia feels like a luck game so far so im gonna do my superstitious good luck dance irl brb


another scumslip


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Dope let’s be frens all game again

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particle man is going to be the most frustrating person to play with i can feel it

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yay :D

It was rvs bruh

And i had a dumb idea