Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

if you sheep somebody else you trust we can form a quadruplevoter voltron

If you say something with seemingly enough confidence people will believe it.

Also, can we please stop interacting with ParticleMan unless they actually say something useful that isn’t just them repeating the same thing over and over again for more engagements on the same thing.

I get you but I will come back to you on this but I would rather you explain asap because I really just don’t see where you were going with it and it more feels like a shoe-horn reason for you to mutually townread min in return for them townreading you.

I want him to postcap

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In this economy?

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Okay fun fact

I’ve been wrong on d1 executions in every game since champs including champs. And it makes me very anxious so a lot of the bravado is fake lol.

Not all of it. And i do believe my reads. But I’m very disillusioned with my skill and my reads and myself.

But if i don’t put up the front of that I’m still confident in my early reads i will freeze

And if i freeze i will struggle to find a town core and i will get lost and i will just be lost all game and be taken by the waves

So… anyways



I was gonna put a list here but I’m too lazy to go get the pl

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I don’t have the energy to backread anymore I’m too tired from stream I’m just gonna realtime for now. Hi chat how’s it going

why you think obvious towny iaafr is mafia?

I’m not really emotionally invested

I just want to play mafia and vibe and remember why i liked this game and i was hype af for this pl and game but now im meh.

Anyways. Let’s move forward.

your not hype because you got a red rolecard so now you dont wanna play


Their posts were jokingly, overly awkward in a way that masks a base level of mafia awkwardness. It read like they were trying to disguise their tone to avoid being read.

haha true haha


I’ll attempt to find the thing that inspired me because it’s easier than me explaining it

yeah i want you to pog and vibe too thats why im trying to figure out the root of the problem
if we just move forward you will not enjoy yourself and thats bad

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they are obvious towny because they try to kill outed mafia

why mafia bus when rest of mafia was outing?

They will quite literally run themself into the postcap wall or they’ll just stop talking, either way there’s just gains from ignoring them?

This is not a way to break a cycle btw, just doesn’t help, I’m very aware of this

Do it anyway, there’s literally no harm in getting your reads out there, the more people can understand your thought process the more people will be able to agree or disagree with you.

why can’t mafia be wrong
i get what you’re trying to say because the post kind of assumes you’re town since it is sheeping your read on leafia, but that might be because they assume it’d be correct regardless of your alignment (but from what i saw in the mountainado game this is actually wrong lol)

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Out of curiosity, how much experience with forum mafia do you have?


just kill zenon today because they gave up

ngl I did actually tr achro for his approach in his first post

trying to hold back is usually a town style change (I’ve tried it multiple times and failed)