Now I have to make a logo about a robotic leg for some reason, why?
please help me silviu isn’t online aaaa
I messaged him on Discord hours ago, I don’t have other contact information for him
your team has until 2022-10-24T00:21:00Z since you got your PMs a little late
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yeah i also messaged him on discord
we’re past the deadline for everyone to get their words in, so I’ll be revealing Soon™
Hello everyone, and welcome to the reveals of Word Match 2 (the second 1) - Phase 1!
This round, we had 12 teams, which means 3 of our teams will be eliminated today!
As a reminder, here are our teams:
- Team
: @Chloe and @Hally
- Team
: @Squirrel2412 and @beancat
- Team
: @iaafr and @Illwei
- Team
: @Mistyx and @Trochilidae
- Team
: @JakeTheWolfie and @Magnus
- Team
: @nutella and @Sadbi
- Team
: @Vulgard and @katze
- Team
: @Marluxion and @YouButWorse
- Team
: @Amelia and @Corn
- Team
: @Silviu200530 and @ElizaThePsycho
- Team
: @thepigeonnyc and @epitau
- Team
: @Arctic and @Marluna
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We’re going to start with some teams who are probably feeling pretty secure right now.
Including the starting word, Team
( @Chloe and @Hally) finished in 3 rounds…
…and team
( @thepigeonnyc and @epitau) also finished in 3 rounds!
btw you all can talk if you want
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Following close behind, we’ve got…
( @JakeTheWolfie and @Magnus ) with 4 rounds!
( @Marluxion and @YoubutWorse) also with 4 rounds!
( @iaafr and @Illwei) with 5 rounds!
And rounding out the middle of the pack, Team
( @nutella and @Sadbi ) with 6 rounds!
Unfortunately, 2 of our teams did not finish guessing. These teams will automatically be eliminated.
First, we have Team
( @Mistyx and @Trochilidae)…
…and second, we have Team
( @Silviu200530 and @ElizaThePsycho).
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good response to misogynist tho
This means that 1 more team will be eliminated this phase. Of the four teams remaining…
In seventh place, we have…
Tied for eighth place, we have…
Which means that, eliminated from the competition, is…
Taking 13 rounds…
Here are the nine teams remaining:
- Team
: @Chloe and @Hally
- Team
: @Squirrel2412 and @beancat
- Team
: @iaafr and @Illwei
- Team
: @JakeTheWolfie and @Magnus
- Team
: @nutella and @Sadbi
- Team
: @Vulgard and @katze
- Team
: @Marluxion and @YouButWorse
- Team
: @Amelia and @Corn
- Team
: @thepigeonnyc and @epitau
All remaining teams will receive their new words by 2022-10-24T01:00:00Z. The deadline to Match with your partner is 2022-10-25T00:00:00Z.
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joe is biden?!
skill issue
Silviu is a scam
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ignoring me and corn with fucking customer vs cashier