Word Match 2 - Team 🏺 is Victorious!


well its up to me to explain it because im the only other one who gets the joke

maybe they just look it

Rounding out this phase, we had a couple teams this team go with a … slightly more dubious strategy. Specifically, they intentionally guessed words that they thought did NOT match, with the goal of having the next round be easier for them.

Going forward, I’m going to be stricter on words that are blatantly making NO attempt to play the game – you can be strategic about what you pick, but … Jupiter? Really? :joy_cat:

However, the strategy also has … some problems.

Team :imp: finished in 11 rounds…


…and Team :mechanical_leg: finished in 17.


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wow that is painful to read

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But wait, there’s more!

Team :imp: gets a reprieve this round, as Team :ferris_wheel: did not finish guessing in time.

mod note

They submitted their first guess 3 minutes before the deadline, while I was AFK. As a result, I gave them a 3-minute extension. However, they still did not successfully match.


I can’t post the context so uh

Teams :ferris_wheel: and :mechanical_leg: have been eliminated!

Here are our teams for Phase 3:

  1. Team :amphora: : @Chloe and @Hally
  2. Team :face_with_diagonal_mouth: : @Squirrel2412 and @beancat
  3. Team :heart_on_fire: : @iaafr and @Illwei
  4. Team :lungs: : @nutella and @Sadbi
  5. Team :mermaid: : @Vulgard and @katze
  6. Team :imp: : @Marluxion and @YouButWorse
  7. Team :bowl_with_spoon: : @Amelia and @Corn

All remaining teams will receive their new words by 2022-10-25T01:00:00Z. The deadline to Match with your partner is 2022-10-26T00:00:00Z.

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:heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:

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I love how Jake and Magnus slowly grows more and more creepy until fucking Satanism

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Jake went cultist, what was I supposed to do?

how did he get there is the question

so true

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i think this says a lot about the state of today’s education system.


anyway im siding with YBW on this one

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Would you side with Jake or I?

you lmao

brainwash is off the walls

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see above